A Good Friend

For today I read a text of International Day of Frienship

The text is about of international day of friendship, mentioned the importance of it for example to share experiences and help us at difficulty times among others. We can celebrate spend time together or give a small gift.

The origin of this day is goes back to 1958 by World Frienship Crusade. This organization wanted to support the importance of frienship. Envetually, celebrating this day the same day, UN was declared 30 July is official the international day of frienship in 2011.

For the next, I will talk to a good friend for me, that called Ricardo.

We met at a party to the other friend, when i was in the school. We decided to talk the most time of the party and connect very fast because we have the same hobbie that is play videogames, so we talked a lot. Now, for today we talk frenquently and some times we pass time togheter.


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