Cultural Radar

Who's cultural snapshot you read.

I read a cultural snapshot of architecture, about the Yankee Stadium and the emotions it gives a person who write the article.

- Which aspects of culture they talked about.

She talked about the experience it gave her and the emotions she felt, for example she says it is a place that feels very warm and inviting.

- Which of the things they talked about you found most interesting and why.

There was talk about how the stadium doesn't give off a feeling of claustrophobia and how it's easy to navigate, so she liked it and felt comfortable. I found this interesting because of the emotions it expresses, it makes me understand that architecture is not really something empty or flat, but rather it has a different language than other topics, which can give you that feeling of security, which is why it seems attractive and invites you to feel like one in the space.

My Cultural Radar at the Moment

- Anime: One Piece, It's an anime that I've been watching for some time now, I started watching it during the pandemic, around 2020 or 2021, this anime caught my attention quite a bit despite the prejudices I had about this series, giving that typical excuse that it's too long. When I saw it for the first time I liked it too much, and today it's my favorite series.

- Game: I recently started playing the Assassin's Creed saga, and it has been a very captivating and interesting experience. I like the way the story develops in each game, and I also love the gameplay and the freedom to do whatever you want.

- Podcast: Lately, when I have some university assignment, I put on a podcast called TheWildProject in the background. This podcast has a variety of topics, including science, psychology, history, and just plain chat. I really like the way it develops during the podcast, asking really interesting questions to some guests, and also talking about important topics.


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